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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Program Settings → Tabs

Action when opening new tab …

The action which is configured here, will be performed when additional tabs are opened through user interactions (e.g. from the menu). You can choose to display the Quick Connect or Address Book window or you can run the default startup REXX script Startup.zrx (the script will be passed a parameter of ##NEWTAB## to indicate that it was triggered through a new tab).

Show close button for tabs

This option lets you define, which of the session tabs will show a close button.

Show tabs always

When more than one session is opened within a ZOC Window, the program will show a bar with tabs for each session. This option controls if the tabs bar will remain visible when only one session is open.

Access tabs via …

This option lets you activate key combinations to quickly switch to the first nine tabs. Under Windows the key combination is Alt+digit, on macOS it is Cmd+digit.

Rename tabs when receiving a Xterm terminal-title sequence

Remote hosts can send a command to display a text in the window title. When this option is active, that command will also rename the title of the tab in which it was received.

Colorful Tabs

If this option is active, the color from a tab's color marker will be used to tint the background of the tab, the background of the user button bar, the chatline and the statusbar. This helps to make switching between sessions visually more distinct.

When making a connection from the host directory, a tab's color will be determined from the host directory entry's icon color. This way a connection to a host from the host directory will always have the same color.

When this option is active, but when no tabs are shown (i.e. when there is only a single session), the window elements are only tinted if the current connection has been assigned a specific color from the host directory.



See also: Program Settings

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