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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Customizing ZOC

There are various types of options that allow the customization of ZOC on different levels: Program Options, Misc. Program Options and Session Options.
Finally some customization can also occur through the commandline.ini file.

Program options hardly change once you defined them. On the other hand, it is very likely that some other will differ between different hosts you use (these are called session profiles). Therefore, while there is only one set of program options, but you can have as many Session Profiles (containing options that are more likely to be session specific) as you like.

Session Profiles, Key Map Profiles, etc. are files which contain configurations, which may differ between connections. E.g. when connecting to a Linux web server and an IBM mainframe, you may want to have different sets of user buttons, different screen layout and cursor types. A session profile is a set of configuration parameters which can be assigned to a connection (session).

Additionally, when making connections through the Quick Connect dialog and Host Directory, you can specify a connection type and emulation and the options for these. These will override the corresponding settings in the session profile. This provides a layered set of settings, that will let you use the same session profile (f-keys, user buttons, screen elements, etc.) on hosts which use slightly different connections and emulations.

See also: Options Menu and Session Profiles, Keyboard Profiles/Translation Profiles, Program Settings.

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