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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Starting ZOC (Command Line Parameters and Environment) → Data Folder Selection (Workdir)

ZOC stores its configuration files in a central folder, which is usually located in the User's "My Documents" folder.

If the data folder does not exist (because ZOC is started for the first time or because the folder was moved), the program will ask if a new folder should be created or where an existing folder is located. In case of new folder creation, ZOC will copy the files from the HIBLUR(newuserprofile_english) folder in the program directory to the user's new data folder.

The basis for this selection is the ConfigDataFolder setting in the Admin.ini file which is also located in the ZOC program directory. For single user installations, this setting will always point to the user folder (unless a working folder was specified on the command line via /WD: parameter.)

If the user changes the folder (e.g. by renaming it and then pointing ZOC to the new folder), the new selection will be written back to the Admin.ini file.

For shared installations (installations, where the Admin.ini file contains a setting of SharedInstall=yes), the Admin.ini will be used to specify the default location of the user data folder. However, if the user changes the location of his data folder, the new location will not be written to the Admin.ini file (because that would affect other users). Instead, the user's choice will be stored in the user registry (Windows) or user preferences com.emtec.zoc8.plist (macOS) under HKCU+Software+EmTec+UserConfigFolder

The possibility of relocating the folder in a shared installation through a registry entry can be disabled in the Admin.ini file by setting DisableRegistryConfigFolder=yes. (The option to specify the working folder on the command line can also be disabled in the Admin.ini file.)

This means that, unless the option is disabled, ZOC will first look for the /WD: parameter. If that is not present (or disabled), in a shared installation in which the registry config specification has not been disabled, ZOC will then check if a UserConfigFolder entry is in the registry. If that entry is there it will use that value as the folder specification. If the installation is not shared or if the DisableRegistryConfigFolder option is true, the location of the user data folder will always be taken from the Admin.ini file.

In the next step, ZOC will load the program settings file, which by default is named Standard.zfg and resides in the Options subfolder of the user data folder, but which can be in an other location as per specification in the Admin.ini file. This file will then point to the secondary data folder, where script files, logs, etc. are stored.

Although being a bit complex, this process allows maximum flexibility in defining the data structure and ranges from fully shared installations (where the user data folder points to a shared folder on the network), to mixed installations (where some folders are shared and other are per user) or fully individual data storage (user data folder in the user's "My Documents" folder, with a Standard.zfg which has sub folder settings which are pointing also to locations in the user's realm.

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