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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Session Profiles → Terminal

This window is used to configure general terminal characteristics.


Local echo

Normally a remote host will send all typed characters back to the terminal, which then displays them. In other words, the users sees his own input by way of the host echoing the characters back to the terminal. If a host does not do this (i.e. if the user does not see what he types), the terminal can use this option to display input locally.

Don't CR/LF for local echo

When the Enter key is pressed and when local echo is also enabled, this option makes ZOC echo only a Carriage-Return instead of the normal CR/LF combination.

Incoming end of line -> CR/LF

When enabled, this options ensures that each incoming line end (CR or LF) is treated as an Carriage-Return/Line-Feed combination. Use this option if received text is either printed over and over in the same line without advancing to the next line or if the text is printed like a stairway with the cursor moving down at the end of the line but not moving back to the left edge.

Soft Shift-Lock for letters

When using remote systems that require (or accept) only upper case characters, this option can be used to treat all letter keys as if Shift-Lock was active. Non-letter keys (e.g. digits or punctuation) will remain unaffected.

Scroll jumps

Even in modern computers, scrolling large amounts of text can be a demanding task for the CPU. In order to improve scrolling speed, you can allow ZOC to delays scrolling until a few lines of text have arrived. This way ZOC saves CPU cycles, because needs to move the text only once instead of five times.

Obviously output speed benefits from this (while the scrolling appears rather "jumpy" instead of smooth). The bigger the jumps you select (normally flea jumps should be enough) the more lines ZOC will collect before actually scrolling and the faster output will be.


Block cursor

Enabling this option makes the cursor in the main window larger.

Blinking cursor

This option makes the cursor in the main window blink.


When this option is selected, thin vertical and horizontal lines are drawn on the screen to indicate the cursor position.


These options control what should happen if no characters have been sent or received for a given time.

When such a timeout occurs, you can make ZOC send something to your host in order to prevent the host from idle-disconnecting the session. Alternately you can terminate (disconnect) the session yourself.

In case of sending data, you should send something neutral, i.e. something that does not trigger unwanted action on the remote host: ^@ (a null character is ignored by many hosts), ^(20) (space) or ^! (break signal) may be good choices.

If you want disable timeout control altogether, set the time to zero.
Note: SSH and Telnet connections have additional options (keep alive) which are specific to those connection type. You will find those in the options dialogs for the SSH and Telnet connection types.


Answer to ENQ

Some hosts use the ENQ character (^E, hex 05) to request information from the terminal. This option lets you specify the answer which will be sent, if an ENQ character is received from the host. If the string contains the placeholder %USERNAME% or %COMPUTERNAME% (or $(USERNAME) or $(COMPUTERNAME)), these will be replaced by their respective values.

Disable URL highlighting

When this option is active, URLs (http links, ftp links, etc.) on screen are not highlighted when the mouse hovers over them and a click on an URL will not open a web browser.

Send echo

Loop back all incoming characters to the originator. This option can be used if other computers are connecting to ZOC and if they are expecting it to behave like a host computer.
Warning: This may result in an endless loop if the originator also sends an echo, which is true for most modems and hosts.

Strip high bit from incoming data

If enabled, all characters in the terminal window are printed with 7 bits. This can be used if you receive graphical characters where text should appear (of course, this does not help if bursts of noise from the phone line send garbage to your screen).

Software 7E1

This option is used if a host with 7E1 coding is accessed through an 8 bit Gateway (ISDN, Telnet).

Ignore remote beep

This option lets you suppress remote beep signals (^G/Bell). It overrides the setting in Options→Program Settings→Sounds.

Ignore character translation profile

This options can disable the translation of characters via Options→Character Translation Profiles. If enabled, a loaded character translation profile will remain dormant.



See also: Session Profiles, Customizing ZOC and Options Menu

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