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QNX Terminal Emulator

ZOC Terminal is a professional terminal emulator, offering a solid implementation of the qnx emulation, which let you access qnx console applications via normal telnet or secure SSL/SSH connections.

qnx related features:

  • "Graphic renditions" (bold, blinking, reverse)
  • User defined renditions (replacing bold with color)
  • Full QNX keyboard support
  • QNX line graphics
  • Line graphics
  • VT102 compatible printer support

Other features:
  • Modern UI with multiple sessions in tabbed window
  • Full keyboard remapping
  • Scripting and recording of VT220 sessions
  • Other Emulations: xterm, VT220, VT420, TN3270, TN5250, Wyse, QNX
  • Small memory footprint (RAM and hard drive)
  • Administrator friendly with easy deployment
ZOC Terminal Emulation Screenshots
Read more about our ZOC terminal emulator, check its extensive list of features and terminal emulations (e.g. xterm, VT220, TN3270, ...) or look at ZOC's screenshots.
Or just go ahead and try it. Start your free 30 days of evaluation today and download ZOC Terminal V8.10.1 now.
ZOC for Windows (32-bit)

Overview: QNX is a terminal emulation standard used by the QNX real-time operating system, introduced in the early 1980s. The idea behind QNX differs from the traditional monolithic kernel architecture, and is running the operating system kernel in a form of a number of small tasks, known as servers. The system is quite small, earlier versions fit on a single floppy disk. It is extremely fast and mostly used in real-time computing environments.





Table of Contents


Background of QNX

The QNX real-time operating system was introduced in the early 1980s by a Canadian company called Quantum Software Systems, later renamed to QNX Software Systems and acquired by BlackBerry in 2010. In the late 1980s, Quantum rewrote the kernel to be compatible with the POSIX model at a much lower kernel level. The result was QNX 4. For running and controlling QNX console apps, QNX uses its own terminal emulation standard.

Because of the real-time character of the operating system, a fast transmission between the operating system and the terminal is essential. QNX is using its own terminal protocol to achieve this task. Using a terminal emulation software capable of running the QNX emulation standard makes it possible to run QNX console apps also from a regular computer running Windows or macOS.

QNX Control Codes (Technical Details)

As all terminal types, QNX is a standard that allows the server to send text to the user's screen. By embedding special controls in the text, these codes also allow control over the placement and display charachacteristics (color, location, etc.) of the text.

E.g. in order to send the text "This is an error!" to the user's screen with the word "error" blinking on a standard VT102 terminal, the host would send  This is an ^[5m error ^[0m! . Rather than displaying all the text, the terminal will interpret ^[1m  and ^[0m  as commands that tell it to blink the text that is received between them.

QNX differs a bit there, using more compact sequences. The QNX equivalent of the above (blinking text) would be  This is an ^[{ error ^[}! .

Here is a list of basic QNX terminal emulation control codes:

ESC < → Turn on high-intensity mode
ESC > → Turn off high-intensity mode
ESC ( → Turn on inverse mode (also swaps fore- and background colors)
ESC ) → Turn off inverse mode
ESC { → Turn on blinking mode
ESC } → Turn off blinking mode
ESC ] → Turn off underline mode
ESC A → Move cursor up one line without wrap or scrolling
ESC B → Move cursor down one line without wrap or scrolling
ESC C → Move cursor right one column without wrap
ESC D → Move cursor left one column without wrap
( ESC equals the ascii character hex 1B or ^[ )

QNX Emulation in a Modern Terminal Emulation Software

Most standard Linux/Unix oriented telnet clients can't be used to handle the QNX terminal protocol, because QNX is a rather arcane standard, that isn't used often.

ZOC however is different, it lets you access mainframes via a telnet or SSL/SSH connection using an expertly built QNX emulation. Additionally ZOC supports a wide scale of other emulations used in the Unix world, like xterm/Linux, VT220, Wyse, TN3270, TN5250, QNX, etc.

The ZOC telnet/SSH client also includes a number of other useful features. It is highly configurable and includes the usual terminal features such as keyboard redefinition and scroll back buffer. It also has some very advanced and unique features such as a powerful script language and automatic triggering of actions based on received or typed text. This terminal emulation software also supports vt102, vt220 and several types of ansi as well as Wyse, TVI, and Sun's CDE. ZOC also features major file transfer protocols like X-, Y- and Zmodem as well as Kermit and others. All these are offered in solid implementations that leave nothing to be desired.





ZOC Terminal Download

Read more about our ZOC Terminal Emulator, check its feature list, look at our screenshots or start your free 30 days of evaluation today and download ZOC Terminal V8.10.1 now.

ZOC for Windows (32-bit)


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