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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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APPENDIX → Credits

We would like to thank Alfredo Sola for a bunch of good ideas and for working with more concurrent ZOC windows than any other person we know of. Bob Harris for testing the 3270 and for a couple of bags of Beef Jerkey. Frank Burleigh for innumerous suggestions/improvements regarding the help text and the program. Hans-Juergen Rauscher for writing ZOCBK (for ZOC 1.xx). Jay Sottolano for his encouragement in the very early stages of the program. Jim Himmelman for his support on the FIDO network. John McNamara for running the help file through the spell checker twice. Keith Christian for tending to the ZOC-Terminal Wikipedia page. Kent Allison for testing the details of a shared Windows/macOS installation. Mark Harsen for insanely torturing the REXX implementation. Nicole Greiber for proofreading the help file back in the 90's. Rod Smith for his support on the usenet during the 911-affair and later. Richard Ashton for his support on the FIDO net during the 911-affair. Siegfried Bauer for the information about the Telix phone import (in ZOC 3.xx). Thomas Schueppel for helping me to make named pipes work under Windows. Tom Hansen and Jim LaSalle for downloading ZOC from Germany to help me to find the Cirrus driver workaround.

Not to forget all the people who's names got lost in a hard disk havoc who helped ZOC to become a success through their innumerous bug reports and suggestions via email and fax.

Also thanks to Douglas Adams, Richard Bach, Jane Roberts, Brian Eno, Frank Zappa, Igor Stravinsky, Philip Glass, Barbra Streisand, Jim Steinman and Meat Loaf, Chivas Brother Ltd and several Ceylonese Tea Producers, for caring about our mental and physical needs.  

Markus Schmidt
Markus Gömmel

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