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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Secure Shell (SSH) → SSH (Secure Shell) Overview



The secure shell communication allows you to login to a host via internet/LAN. Unlike using Telnet, an SSH connection uses encryption for all data sent and received, which makes it impossible for third parties to tamper with or monitor the connection to obtain passwords or confidential data.

Note: ZOC's implementation of the Secure Shell protocol contains source code that was provided to public by the OpenSSH project. You will find more information about OpenSSH on https://www.openssh.org



To authenticate with the remote host, you can use the public/private key, username/password and/or keyboard-interactive methods. If you want to login via public/private key, you need to provide the names of the key files for your host before making the connection (enter them in the host directory entry or in the quick connect dialog or in SSH's global options). For username/password or similar methods you can either provide these upfront or you will be asked to provide them when necessary.

Note: Please also read SSH Key Generator for information about how to transfer the public key file to the server.


File Transfer

To transfer files over SSH you can either use SCP or Zmodem. See SSH File Transfer for more information.

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