Available commands for the ZocDeviceControl script command (see ZOC-REXX Commands):
Return a string that indicates the raised incoming signals (CTS, DSR, CD, RI)
on the serial port, e.g. ##[CTS][DSR][CD]## | |
Changes the status of the RTS Signals on the RS323 port (this will only work,
if the Rts/Cts is not configured as 'Handshake' in the serial settings), e.g.
Call ZocDeviceControl("SETRTS ON")
| |
Changes the status of the DTR Signals on the RS323 port (this will only work,
if the DTR/DSR is not configured as 'Handshake' in the serial settings), e.g.
Call ZocDeviceControl("SETDTR OFF")
| |
TESTACCESS <name> | |
This command tests if the serial port <name> (e.g. SAY ZocDeviceControl("TESTACCESS COM3")
or SAY ZocDeviceControl("TESTACCESS /dev/cu.pl2303")) is valid and accessible.
| |
FINDUSBPORT <text> | |
This command searches for the first USB port, that has <text> in the device's verbose description (e.g. port= ZocDeviceControl("FINDUSBPORT FTDI"))=. |
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