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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Starting ZOC (Command Line Parameters and Environment) → Startup REXX Programs

There are two REXX programs that are started when you run ZOC. The first one is ZOCEVENT.ZRX (it is also executed when ZOC closes) and it is intended to stop or restart a fax program's (for example "FaxWorks") auto receive feature. See the file ZOCEVENT.TXT for more details.

The other REXX program is called STARTUP.ZRX and is run after ZOC has been initialized. You can use it to call a host every time you start ZOC or print startup greetings or things like that. Please note that the file is not executed if you have command line options for another script or command line options which would immediately result in a connection (e.g. /CALL or /CONNECT or similar).

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